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Middle East on Edge: Hamas Snubs Ceasefire Talks in Qatar Amid Escalating Gaza Crisis!

Talks to secure a Gaza ceasefire resumed in Qatar on Thursday but without the involvement of Hamas. The militant group, which controls Gaza, blamed Israel for blocking progress and demanded that earlier agreements be honored. The talks have been ongoing for months, yet they haven’t managed to free hostages held in Gaza or stop the rising death toll. According to Gaza’s authorities, over 40,000 people have died in the Palestinian territory after more than ten months of war.

The United States, Israel’s main military ally, has been mediating these discussions with the help of Qatar and Egypt. Despite some early positive signs, US officials, like National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, acknowledged that there’s still much work to be done.

Meanwhile, European diplomats are heading to Israel to push for a ceasefire. British Foreign Secretary David Lamy warned that the situation in the Middle East is very dangerous and could spiral out of control if not handled carefully. He, along with French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne, plans to meet with Israeli officials to stress the urgency of reaching a ceasefire.

Bombing in Gaza continues even as the talks proceed in Qatar.

Source: Moneycontrol website.

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